We Develop and Implement Bespoke Information Strategies for Labile Information Environments

Contributing to the Noosphere by Interrogating Consensus Reality, Deconstructing Myths, and Influencing Opinions

Antony Kagirison

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Conceptual Engineering

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Discourse Analysis

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Narrative Deconstruction

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Post-Paradigm Geopolitics

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Insightful Commentary

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

All revolutionaries who have created history-changing ideas that developed into science, philosophies, and religions engaged in conceptual engineering.

Conceptual Engineering Kagirison

Conceptual Engineering

Conceptual engineering is a graduate field of analytic philosophy that deals with building and evaluation of representational devices.

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Conceptual Ethics

Conceptual ethics evaluates how existing concepts are applied in real-life and determines whether these concepts are fit for purpose, or if there is need for concept re-engineering. It is the engine of conceptual reforms

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Conceptual Reform

Conceptual reform describes the process of concept re-engineering and concept marginalization. It establishes the process of marginalization of concepts that are deemed dysfunctional or abscessed beyond the redemptive power of concept re-engineering

Learn about Conceptual Engineering and its subfields of ethics, reform, and logic

Social and political conservatism is normally driven by opposition to conceptual engineering, while liberalism is acceptance of conceptual engineering. This is the sociopolitical description of conceptual engineering. The preference for fixed tyrannical regimes of knowledge by the Political Right is driven by their opposition to conceptual engineering.

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Conceptual engineering is at the core of post-structuralism, myth deconstruction, disassembly of grand narratives, linguistic engineering, and Foucauldian discourse analysis of power-knowledge.

Conceptual Engineering Kagirison

Discourse Analysis

Conceptual engineering is a graduate field of analytic philosophy that deals with building and evaluation of representational devices.

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Narrative Deconstruction

Conceptual engineering is a graduate field of analytic philosophy that deals with building and evaluation of representational devices.

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm


Abbreviations AAI Acute Alveolar Injury  ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome PCR polymerase chain reaction SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome SARS-CoV severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus-2 RNA ribonucleic acid COVID-19…

Kagirison Views

Post-Paradigm Geopolitics

In any ideologically-driven hot war, information warfare serves as a combat force multiplier

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Information Warfare

In any ideologically-driven hot war, information warfare serves as a combat force multiplier.

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Insightful Commentary

Conceptual engineering is a graduate field of analytic philosophy that deals with building and evaluation of representational devices.

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm

Concept Building

Conceptual engineering is the semantic engine that powers revolution and shifts of power-knowledge paradigm